Password Generator

This is single page aplication where you can generate any kind of password. Tech Stack: React, Typescript, TailwindCSS

Entertainment Web App

this is multi page Entertainment web app where are movies. you can search movies and mark them as a bookmarked. stack: typescript, react, react-router-dom, react splider and styled-components


this is a fully responsive countries web application, where you can search country and then see a litte information of this country. also you can change dark lite mode and filter with continet. Stack: TypeScript, React, Styled-components.

Todo App

this is a fully responsive todo app, where you can add new todolist, change it as a completed, delete each todo. also there are theme changer from dark to light, and you can see how many items are in todolist. Stack: TypeScript, React, Styled-components.

Planet Fact Site

this is multi page planet fact site, where you can see information about each planet. it is a fully responsive. Stack: Typescript, react, react-route-dom and styled-components

IP ADRESS tracker

This is spa application where you can find your location with your IP ADDRESs, you dont have to write ip address, when you enter the website, it automatically show your location. its fully responsive. stack: Typescript, React, Axios, Leaflet and styled components.

Clock App

this is siple clock app where you can see clock, week number, day of the year, time zone and etc. its time calculate where are you. Also top of the page there are random qoute machine. stack Im using: TypeScript, React, Axios, Styled-components.

This is domaint sell website where you can filter domains. It's fully responsive site. also you can add in the basket and remove. Using: HTML, CSS, JS.

GitHub User Search

This is github user search, where you can write any github user and there will be result. i build it by reactjs, styled components and axios. this s fully responsive. also there are theme changer.

ToDo List

this is 3 pages web aplication, where you you can sign up and move next page. main page you can add todo list, also delete it and check is when you done. this information save in localstorage so, if you refresh page or just close window and open again this todolist is still here. i build it by react js, moduce css and react router

Sign-up Validation

this is the sign-up validation, where i can use TypeScript, React, React-Hook-form, Yup and conffeti. It is a fully responsive.

Interactive Card Detail

This is fully responsive interactive card project, where you should validate your inputs and add your credit vard details. Stack: React JS, Styled-components, Regular expression.

Interactive Rating Component

this is interactive rating component, there are 5 button and you can choose one of them, after that you can click submit button and there will render second page where should be your rating score. i build this by react js, module css and i using here conditional rendering.


this is spa which is a fully responsive. there are animations, hovers and long main page. stack im using for this tasks are: typescript, react and styled-componetns


This website buid by React js. There are sign-in / sign up functionality, Also when you sign in there would be your email and logout button for this I used Firebase. stack: html, css, react js, firebase

Weather App

This is single page aplication where you can see weather different cities, it's fully responsive site. stacks I'm using are: html, css, react js. I recieve api from weather free api.

Tic Tac Toe

this is the all know game tic tac toe, where you can choose your mark and play the game. it have 2 option play with friend and play with computer. Stack: HTml, css and js.

Intership task

This is fully responsive site, which have 3 page. home, discovery and learn more. in discovery page there are information from api and display on the table. stack: html, css, js

Tip Calculator App

This is Tip calculator application, where you can type bill, tips percent and number of people and then this program calculate tip amount person and total amount person. stack: React js, module scc

Art gallery Website

This is Art gallery website, where you can see beautiful pics. it is fully responsive. I've created this by HTML and CSS. It has Two page. second page you can see location on of the gallery

Interactive Price Component

this is interactive price component where you can change the price with range input, also you can calculate the price a whole year. i've built this by: html, css and js. it is fully responsive

FAQ Acoording Card

This is simple Frequenty asked questions page, which is fully responsive, when you click the the question, it slides down and you can see text. stack im using for this page are: html, css and js

Flower shop

this is simple flower shop. there are 5 page, first page is home page, second page is gallery, third is about us, forth page is contact and last page is FAQ stacks: html, css


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